Logistics Finance

Logistics is a term most commonly applied to companies who provide the warehousing and transportation of goods from the manufacturer to the end customer, wherever in the world they may be. This is an accurate although slightly narrow definition of the concept because virtually every business is dependent on efficient, reliable logistics management. And naturally that requires appropriate funding.

Originally used by the military to describe methods of procuring, storing, transporting and deploying equipment, supplies and assets, the term has been adopted by businesses as the perfect analogy for the management of commercial supply chains. Effective logistics management ensures that at every point of the chain, however complex and regardless of the number of parties involved, the right resources are in the right place at the right time.
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Commercial Finance

Flexible finance options are essential to the prosperity and growth of businesses in every sector. Traditional sources of funding can be slow, expensive and obstructive. At Stellar Capital we specialise in creative, effective ways of realising the value in your assets with our extensive portfolio of invoice financing solutions. Invoices and receivables, plant and machinery, inventory and stock – these are all assets which can be leveraged to fund project development and expansion. Here are some of the options that could transform your business.

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Invoice Finance


In the narrative of business practice, productivity and profitability are the glamorous twins on which entrepreneurs pin their hopes. Meanwhile their sibling, cashflow, is left out of the limelight, powering the engine room. Without well-managed cashflow a business will struggle to succeed. Capital may be affected, resources drained, liabilities unmet and bills unpaid. That’s why the most clued-up businesses recognise the value of an efficient credit control operation.
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